j Renu2Cycle Nutricycle Vlaanderen inspirational day On Monday 20 January, Nutricycle Vlaanderen welcomed 100 people at its Inspiration Day in Drongen (Ghent), discussing the future of nutrient recovery in Flanders. Representatives of companies, farmers...
j Renu2Cycle Irish Living Lab launches podcats Podcasts to share knowledge and experiences The Irish project patners are thrilled to kick off their podcast series with an inspiring conversation between host Dr Mary Curtin and Eddie Punch, a farmer...
j Renu2Cycle Bioeconomy Week Ireland To mark Bioeconomy Ireland Week, on Friday October 18th, two research groups from the Munster Technological University joined forces with Teagasc Clonakilty Agricultural College to host workshops. The...
j Renu2Cycle Interactive session at ESNI 2024 As part of the ReN2Cycle project, Annmarie Ryan and Amy Mathers (University of Limerick) had the opportunity to employ a new tool they developed — a Living Lab #seriousplay game — that enabled partici...
j Renu2Cycle You can now listen to ReNu2Cycle You can now also listen to learn about the ReNu2Cycle project as Niamh Power (Munster Technological University) was interviewed for the Cork's Life FM in July 2024. She discussed the innovative ReNu2C...
j Renu2Cycle Fertilisers Futures Workshop - Ireland The University of Limerick, together with its Irish project partners, organises an interactive and engaging workshop on "Fertiliser Futures", an integral part of the ReNu2Cycle project focused on inno...
j Renu2Cycle ReNu2Cycle project member of the Biorefine Cluster Europe End of March 2024, the ReNu2Cycle project joined the Biorefine Cluster Europe. By doing so, the project becomes member of a large European network of research projects with biorefinery as a common ele...
j Renu2Cycle Feedback on the Nitrates Directive Evaluation On December 1, 2023, the European Commission launched a public consultation on the evaluation of the Nitrates Directive. Interested parties such as farmers, industries, NGOs, citizens, public administ...
j Renu2Cycle Throwback to ManuReSource 2024 On 21 March 2024, the ReNu2Cycle chaired a session at the 2nd day of the international ManuResource Conference. Wassilina Bugaeva ( IZES ) introduced the ReNu2Cycle project to the audience, explaining...
j Renu2Cycle Brainstorm session on circular fertilisers On 26 February, Inagro (BE) organised an interactive brainstorm session on the use of circular fertilisers. This online session was co-organised by the ReNu2Cycle and FER-PLAY project partners. Some c...
j Renu2Cycle ReNu2Cycle at ManuReSource 2024 The ReNu2Cycle will be chairing a parallell session at the 2024 ManuReSource Conference in Antwerp, on 21 March. Recycled Nutrients to close the nutrient Cycle Introduction to ReNu2Cycle, an Interreg ...
j Renu2Cycle ReNu2Cycle – Maximising Recycling Derived Fertiliser Use The overall objective of ReNu2Cycle is to reduce North West Europe’s (NWE’s) dependency on fossil-based fertiliser imports through the increased use of Recycling Derived Fertilisers (RDFs). The projec...