ReNu2Cycle at ManuReSource 2024

Wednesday 20 and Thursday 21 March 2024
29 February 2024 by
ReNu2Cycle at ManuReSource 2024

The ReNu2Cycle will be chairing a parallell session at the 2024 ManuReSource Conference in Antwerp, on 21 March.

Recycled Nutrients to close the nutrient Cycle

Introduction to ReNu2Cycle, an Interreg North West Europe project that works on the market introduction of recycling-derived biobased fertilisers (BBF), and aims to link science and practice by a Living Lab approach.

Wassilina Bugaeva (IZES - DE)

Processed manure in the FPR CMC 10, game changer or challenge?

In this session we will focus on the question whether the opening of the FPR to processed manure as a component for EU fertilising products is a game changer, or if the criteria are posing challenges that will have to be solved before this can become a common practice?

Laura van Schöll (NMI - NL)

Legal status of ammonium salts from stripping/scrubbing

Ammonium salts from stripping and scrubber water from manure treatmentsare regulated under national regulations (NL, Be, De) and in the EU-FPR as a pure recovered material (CMC 15). However, because of discrepancies in the definitions of manure and processing in the Animal by-product regulation and the Nitrate Directive the legal status of the salts remains unclear.  We will propose solutions to the status quo and show pro and cons. 

Erik Meers (Ghent University - BE)

The full programme of ManuReSource can be found on the event website.